Thursday, September 1, 2011

it's a non-stop evolution

So I've been tracking my website stats, and how and where the traffic is coming from ... it's amazing watching the surges come depending on what I am doing, but it still hasn't ceased to amaze me how consistant one thing is: whatever city I'm currently located in, is where the majority of the traffic also comes from. This is kind of a strange phenomena, since I move around so much, and although I am obviously trying to get my name out there wherever I may be, it seems to prove to me the adage that you can most certainly be 'out of sight; out of mind', and therefore the opposite applies. As much as I pushed my work in New Zealand, the high level of traffic literally took a dive and Toronto became the major influx city. It shows you can't under estimate the self-promotion side of the industry - just meeting people and getting your name out there and doing your best to direct people to your work so that hopefully the right eyes will find themselves scanning the pages.

I recently dropped a large sum of money developing and scanning roll after roll of film, a few of which can be seen on this website I speak of (, but below are also a few. I shot mostly with my yashica fx-103 on fuji colour film, between 200-400 iso, but also on the yashica EM with ilford 120 film. Just dropped off another roll of Kodak 120 colour film that I get to go pick up tomorrow night ... can't wait to see how they turned out.

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