Monday, May 23, 2011

I was asked to submit to a zine that has a theme of Limbo for the first issue - so I took my friend Ruth Galvin and we shot in a few locations with a concept of levitation; so literal limbo versus emotional.

we also did a few additional shots for her modeling stuff, so here is one of the outtakes from the graveyard.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

photo adventure in my hood.

fuck i hate feeling lonely. i had a great weekend, but i don't like being alone so much and not having people around when i wish there was someone to hang out with.  Moving countries is hard at the start; the whole making friends process. :(

Thursday, May 12, 2011

just when you need it

sometimes when you have no money, all you want is a little lunch. then the boys who work next to you give you free food and coffee <3