Sunday, August 14, 2011

Here I go again up in the air at about 20,000 feet after just having said goodbye to not only another city, but an amazing collective of new friends and some old. I haven't really slept the past few days - a few nights ago I slept only 2hrs, and last night I managed a whole half an hour of eyelids closed to the world before having to rise once more to head out to the airport.

My dear friend Ralph drove me out and hung out with me until i finally  had to conceed to the clock and head through security alone. I'm  pretty good at goodbyes; Ive done it countless times in so many different countries and to so many people, but it is sad not knowing  when I will see this face that has become such a part of my life  again. They're trying to convince me to come back for summer, and I'm  interested for sure, but it's more of a monetary question at this  point. At the moment, Im leaning towards this rough draft of a plan -  hustle and shake in Toronto until after my friends wedding in mid  November, then off to London for a bit (a week to a month there) then  perhaps on to Norway and onwards as long as I can handle the cold. 

I've got a goal of hitting a few more (4, to be exact) countries  before my next birthday in January, so I'd like to fulfill that then  that might be the time I could return to New Zealand for 4-8 weeks and  then heading back to Europe for a wild trek there by motorcycle after  first being a part of the Holi festival in India on March 7th. Ralph  is going to be getting the irresistable campaign from me to try and get him to come and taste a bit more of the world with me, so hopefully he is in the right space and will jump into that idea with the furvour of a man coming up out of the water for air.

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