Thursday, September 8, 2011

30 before 30

So, being the stubborn daughter of my similarly tempered father, I have gotten something in my head and can't shake it out. In all honesty, not that I want to. It's developed into it's own monster that I am now basing the next few months of my life around.

I want to get to 30 countries before I turn 30.
I'm currently at 26 countries, but my birthday is quickly approaching, and lands only a few days over 4 months away. I can't got anywhere at the moment, because I'm staying in Canada until my best friend gets married (Nov 12th, so I've got only two months after that to complete the mission).

This is TOTALLY an adventure for adventure's sake. I could go anywhere that I can realistically afford, and being a photographer, I plan on shooting every second of it.

A few things currently stand in my way, and tend to be things that everyone can identify with;

I will have two months to get to 4 more countries. It would be kind of cool to roll into #4 the night before my birthday, and celebrate like the Mayan calendar is right.
But even better than that would be to cruise right past that and hit even more countries on the list jsut for good measure and even better times. 

The main obstacle in my way, like most people, is money. The devil we both fight and need. Keep in mind that I live a fairly modest lifestyle; I ride a bike everywhere, have no internet at home (resulting in the local coffee shops quickly getting to know that I've now landed in their neighbourhood), no television, hell, I've got no radio, and I sleep on a mattress on my best friends floor. Some people might think this is terrible living at 29 like this, but in all honesty, I'm happy. I was MILES from this goal a year ago. I was at something like 14 then, a teenager in travel terms, but then I hitchhiked from Turkey to Poland, moved to Korea, caught a boat to Japan, and ended up in a few more Asian countries and found myself sitting atop a list of 26, and thinking that this was looking more and more doable to reach this goal. 

What does this mean? It means adventure, LIVING my life while I'm young and willing to sleep practically anywhere. And I mean anywhere. It's a skill I thank my parents for. I started out young sleeping under their feet on airplanes, on their laps on a bus, or just wherever my hyper-self passed out when I was finally worn out. Not much has changed, and in the last two years I've slept under a house, on a yoga mat in a kitchen (MANY nights), on a floor on a sign, outdoors on a sign, on the beach, on a pagoda, in a cube/fort made of insulation panels, in a front car seat (a weeks worth), on a truckers second bed in the truck, in a wood/corrugated iron fort, on multiple friend's floors, in LOUD night club in tokyo against some lockers, outside a library in a bush, on cardboard, in a campervan, in a room with no windows, in a tent, at a bhuddist temple next to the bathrooms where I hoped I wouldn't be noticed, and even more places I'm sure I'm either forgetting, blocking out, or can't be bothered listing. So as you can imagine, a mattress on a floor feels pretty damn good right now.

So the adventure begins, with the only question I'm unable to answer or begin to answer is WHERE. I guess the answer really is anywhere. I'm toying with anything from Norway, to Argentina as starting points, maybe Cuba or Haiti ... who knows. I guess it depends on which way the world opens it's doors.

Here's to the adventure that awaits!

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