Sunday, March 6, 2011


I'm in Borneo at the moment - Kota kinabalu to be exact. It's been amazing here with each day drastically different. Running from wild orang utans or standing literally less than 2 feet from one as it looked about inquisitively, snorkeling with fish and coral, a boat ride where we spotted three different kinds of monkeys; proboscis, silver leaf, and ringtailed macats; catching fireflies and watching whole communities of them lighting up a tree like it was Christmas, dancing with natives and drinking their homemade moonshine vodka and whiskey (the latter may have led to me showing them an iPod touch and rap for the first time in their lives), rescuing a newborn kitten, wandering around wet markets by the seaside (read fish markets to those not used to the term), and on and on and on...

There are 9 sultans, 1 king, a prime minister, and the largest flower in the world - a rafflesia, which smells like rotting flesh to attract flies which THEN attract the flowers prey - sounds kind of like that 'i don't know why she swallowed the fly' song about to begin. The tribes are known for various skills like bead work, weaving, agriculture, hunting, and prior to about 250 years ago, for headhunting as well. We stayed with one section of the Iban tribe in their longhouse, which consists of the whole community of 299 people living and sleeping under one roof. Wild. Not a one of them snores, aside from the local guy that translated for us. Guess that kind of thing wouldn't be tolerated if you wanted to stay in the longhouse. Ha.

I head home in a day... Wild. I've been on this trip with my mum, and It's been awesome since she's up for an adventure just like me.we're thinking our next trip in 2 years should be to Africa somewhere. The thought we like the most is trying to hit Mauritius or Madagascar, or perhaps both!

I've got two weeks at home with the family, then off to New Zealand for a new adventure of trying to find work and a home until Septembers India trip isto begin. Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds.

Saw a good quote today in a book store by C.S. Lewis that is along these lines - 'There is not a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to ever satisfy me'.

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