Thursday, July 15, 2010

The simple days

 Police guard outside of the Blue Roof House entrance
Today was a good day, I slept in and had no new mosquito bites (the previous night was rough with not a good sleep and three big bites on my face), and a great hang out with a friend I met in Canada, but is home visiting his family. It was fun having a local who is a buddy ahow me around; and we went to this great park (line 9 near 산유도역)which is actually a small island in the Han river; the majorly huge river running through Seoul. Next we got some eats - mine was so freaking good. It was a black sauce seafood noodle dish, which is a Korean hybrid of Chinese food, and is just really tasty and a bit of a nice deviation from the typical Korean flavours. We had a bit of a bash at the arcade; which are fairly wildly popular with an astonishing variety of ages. I personally have seen everyone from the expected young school kids there to a group of men in business suits having a shoot out on some arcade games after midnight one evening.
We also had 'Milk Tea batbing-su', which is milky tea flavoured ice shavings with red beans, kiwi fruit, and ice cream on top... I love it! It comes in a bunch of flavours, but so far I've just tried the aforementioned one and the traditional red bean option. Yum like woah though, it's easily the best snow cone type treat I've ever had.
Afterward, I decided to show my buddy one of my favourite parts oforown he'd never been to; Insadong(Anguk station / 안국역). My favourite bib em bab place (red and blue neon sign behind the tourist info booth) coffee shop (Coffee Bang at Gan / 커피 방앗간), and a bunch of other fun things are here. It's the old part of town, meaning everything is small, cultural and there's really not many cars compared to most places I like to hang out. Apparently, this is also where Koreas version of the white house is 'the house with the blue roof', which it's known as), but you honestly can't get close enoughoro see what colour any roofover there is, all you see is a big wall and some guards and policemen doing their best to look preoccupied.

 the subway is just teeming with bodies constantly

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